January 7, 2013

The Adventures Of Captain Crossbones.

The Adventures of Captain Crossbones.

- The boat of "adventure" sail the south seas with the captain Crossbones and his pirates. One day viewed  a ship, a lone. They spanish ship often invite them to come on their ship and eat and drink together. Suddenly, the pirates of spanish ship, see the pirates daggers and pistols. The pirates fight the spanish sailors, they looking for a treasure, the pirates find a big box, the Capitan Crossbones has got the key. The Capitan Crossbones open the door of the cup board, and inside there's a boy, his name he was Luis and he want to  be a pirate, Luis has a map of treasure give his father, on day Luis sees and island, and he thinks "finally find my father's treasure".
- They ship a ahoy another spanish sip. They bring boxes of treasure, old the pirates celebrated it. The Captain Crossbones, waits until Luis and the spanish sailors leave the ship and go to Coconut Island.
The Capitan Crossbones gets his pistol. He gets into the small boat with Ferocius Fred and Dirti Duncan.
They  find a big box, Luis has got the key and he open de box. Inside there's a lot of gold and jewels.They came back to the beach and their ship isn't there, the Captain Crossbones goes to his small boat and go to the island. All of the goes to looking for Luis father.

Personal Opinion: This book is a very entertaining and fund adventure.

The Author: http://www.booksbyann.co.uk/index.html Anne Stanmore.  


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